Ranked List of the Best Pre-Med Schools (2024)

What’s Covered:

  • What is Pre-Med?
  • Picking a College as a Pre-Med: Factors to Consider
  • Ranked List of Best Pre-Med Schools
  • Do You Have a Balanced School List?

Are you considering pursuing a medical degree? It’s not too early to start planning, and the undergraduate college that you choose can have a significant impact on your career.

See the complete list of top schools for pre-med students.

What is Pre-Med?

Pre-med, while it sounds like a major, is actually a college track that is made up of specific courses that you agree to take as prerequisite courses for medical school. Students can major in any field they want, but will have to take all of the required pre-med courses so that they stay on the pre-med track.

Most pre-med students choose to major in something related to the medical field, such as Biology or Chemistry. Learn more about some of the best majors for pre-med students.

If you do know that you want to be a medical doctor while you’re still in high school, you should look for colleges that will prepare you well for the career ahead of you. But as you sift through potential colleges, keep in mind that your pre-med experience should ultimately set you up for a bigger goal: med school. An ideal college will have a pre-med track that can guarantee success in these four crucial aspects of a medical school application:

  • Getting a high GPA
  • Scoring well on the MCAT
  • Finding meaningful activities and building a strong resume
  • Completing the application (including rec letters and essays) and interview, though you should note that these are mostly independent of the undergraduate school you choose

Want to know your chances at the schools you’re applying for? Calculate your admissions chances right now and understand your odds before applying.

Picking a College as a Pre-Med: Factors to Consider


When it comes to med school, your GPA is vital. You should be looking for colleges where you can score well, as a strong GPA is so important for medical school applications that it even supersedes class rank. The reason is that most medical schools use a mathematical formula that takes in the numerical value of GPA to assess students. For example, having a 3.5 GPA and being #18 in your class at one college is often worse than having a 3.9 and ranking #35 in your class at another for the purposes of medical school admission.

While GPA is often more important than rank, you should still aim to be amongst the strongest students on campus. Most college classes are graded on a curve, and being at the top of the curve translates to a high GPA. For example, you’d be much better off with a 3.95 at Bates College than a 3.35 at Princeton. Additionally, you want to avoid schools that have grade deflation (very difficult curves) and instead, look for the schools that have moderate to strong grade inflation (easier curves).

Although your science GPA plays a significant role in med school admissions, the rigor of your major is just as critical. Having a high GPA in an “easy” major won’t cut it; you need a rigorous course load to validate a high GPA.

It’s also important to note that you should generally try to avoid your state’s flagship university. These universities have many academically competitive students who didn’t have the extracurricular resume or financial means to attend top-tier universities. So it’s a lot harder to get As in your pre-med classes.

MCAT Score

A good MCAT score is also essential to med school admissions. You should look for a college with a curriculum that will prepare you well for the exam. Most colleges will cover the science material on the MCAT through their pre-med classes. However, you should also ensure that your college has good psychology, sociology, and even general education English classes that cover critical reading techniques. Attending a college that reinforces these other MCAT components will yield you a much better score overall.

Extracurricular Activities & Letters of Recommendation

Having a good resume isn’t just about loading it with generically impressive activities and awards. It’s important to have activities that are specifically meaningful and relevant to you as a potential med school student. You want to have plenty of patient care experience, ideally through shadowing or formal internships, though volunteering is okay if you can’t find one of the other options. Biology-specific or medical research is also a critical addition to your resume. And it’s beneficial to work or volunteer in the local community. If possible, try to work with diverse groups of people from varied socioeconomic backgrounds as that can be helpful experience for essay and interview questions.

Being able to fill out your resume with the right activities is another benefit to being at the top of your class. As one of the best students on campus, you will have easier access to better opportunities through professors and other health professions advisors.

When picking a school, you should also think about location. A college next to or in a city that has a robust medical industry, like Pittsburgh, Raleigh-Durham, or Houston, will have far more opportunities. By having access to major hospitals and private companies, you will increase your chances of getting valuable patient care experience and/or research.

Getting good rec letters comes down to, once again, being at the top of your class. Being a big fish in a small pond will help you gain the attention and favor of your professors, employers, and lab directors.

Saving Money

Med school is a substantial commitment for not just the student, but also for their family. Many families want to save money on undergrad so they can afford to pay $200,000 for four years of med school. Fortunately, top-tier colleges usually grant great financial aid, generally offering at least some assistance to families with under $200,000 per year in household income. Beyond that, you may want to stay away from flagship state schools because of the competition factor mentioned previously. Instead, you can look for private schools that will offer you a strong merit aid package.


Becoming a doctor is not for everyone. The 10-12 years of commitment to school, residencies, and fellowships is tough for even the most passionate and driven students. If you’re still a little unsure by the time you apply, look for schools that allow you to easily switch majors and programs without having to apply internally. In these cases, you might want to apply to the most competitive school possible; that way, you’ll be at a good school regardless of whether you’re on the pre-med track.

What are your chances at these pre-med schools?

Our free Chancing Calculator uses your GPA, extracurriculars, testing and more to tell you your real chances at Cornell, Emory, and other schools with a pre-med program.

Calculate your chances now — it’s free!

What are your chances at these pre-med schools?

Our free Chancing Calculator uses your GPA, extracurriculars, testing and more to tell you your real chances at Cornell, Emory, and other schools with a pre-med program.

Calculate your chances now — it’s free!

These are just a few factors to think about as you build a school list. As you may have noticed, many of these factors are broad and subjective. The “best” pre-med school will vary widely for each individual. However, if you want to look at the absolute best pre-med programs in the country, here are a few:

The Best Pre-Med Schools, Ranked

Note: Seven- or eight-year BS/MD programs, such as Brown’s PLME, are not included. Rankings are based on four key pre-application elements: GPA, MCAT prep, patient care experience, and research experience.

1. Harvard College

Location: Cambridge, MA

Acceptance rate: 4.5%

U.S. News Ranking: 2

Middle 50% SAT/ACT: 1460-1580 SAT, 33-35 ACT

Undergraduate Enrollment: 6,788

As of 2012, Harvard reported an extremely high med school acceptance rate of 95%. With some of the smartest students in the world, a great location among the numerous Boston medical facilities, and groups such as the Harvard Premedical Society, Harvard offers a plethora of invaluable resources to its pre-med students. The college is also known for its rampant grade inflation, with the median grade being an A-, so that’s good news for your GPA.

Learn more about Harvard and what it takes to get accepted.

2. Duke University

Location: Durham, NC

Acceptance rate: 7.8%

U.S. News Ranking: 10

Middle 50% SAT/ACT: 1500-1560 SAT, 33-35 ACT

Undergraduate Enrollment: 6,682

Duke, while very academically competitive, still boasts a high 85% med school acceptance rate. Students at Duke also have access to a wide variety of resources, from personalized advising to research and internship opportunities provided by Durham and Duke’s prestigious School of Medicine.

Learn more about Duke and what it takes to get accepted.

3. University of Pennsylvania

Location: Philadelphia, PA

Acceptance rate: 7.7%

U.S. News Ranking: 6

Middle 50% SAT/ACT: 1460-1550 SAT, 33-35 ACT

Undergraduate Enrollment: 10,183

UPenn is one of the best pre-med schools in the nation, boasting a 76% med school acceptance rate. UPenn’s core pre-med courses and suggested courses both prepare students well for the MCAT by emphasizing all aspects of the test. UPenn is also in an excellent location for pre-med students, with facilities like the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia nearby.

Learn more about the University of Pennsylvania and what it takes to get accepted.

4. Washington University in Saint Louis

Location: St. Louis, MO

Acceptance rate: 14%

U.S. News Ranking: 19

Middle 50% SAT/ACT: 1480-1550 SAT, 33-35 ACT

Undergraduate Enrollment: 7,751

Pre-med students at WashU not only have access to a four year advising program, but also to MCAT prep classes, mock interviews, writing workshops for med school applications, and two local hospitals. WashU ensures that their pre-med students are on the right path by providing constant hands-on assistance and meaningful research and internships.

Learn more about Washington University in Saint Louis and what it takes to get accepted.

5. Rice University

Location: Houston, TX

Acceptance rate: 8.7%

U.S. News Ranking: 17

Middle 50% SAT/ACT: 1470-1560 SAT, 33-35 ACT

Undergraduate Enrollment: 3,978

The Office of Academic Advising at Rice provides extensive resources to pre-med students, including a database of relevant research and internship opportunities and pre-med advising orientations. Additionally, Rice’s Joint Admission Medical Program helps low-income Texas students afford med school. Houston is also a town with many large hospitals that provide research, shadowing, and volunteering opportunities.

Learn more about Rice University and what it takes to get accepted.

6. Stanford University

Location: Stanford, CA

Acceptance rate: 4.4%

U.S. News Ranking: 6

Middle 50% SAT/ACT: 1420-1570 SAT, 32-35 ACT

Undergraduate Enrollment: 7,087

Stanford offers a variety of extracurricular and research options to their undergraduate students. Their Stanford Immersion in Medicine Series (SIMS) Program gives sophom*ores, juniors, and seniors the opportunity to shadow doctors at Stanford Hospital, Palo Alto VA Hospital, and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital.

Learn more about Stanford University and what it takes to get accepted.

7. Northwestern University

Location: Evanston, IL

Acceptance rate: 9.1%

U.S. News Ranking: 9

Middle 50% SAT/ACT: 1450-1540 SAT, 33-35 ACT

Undergraduate Enrollment: 8,231

Northwestern pre-med students have access to a wealth of resources through the school’s Health Professions Advising. Resources range from MCAT advice/training to GPA calculators to local shadowing opportunities. Northwestern makes sure its pre-med students are well-informed and prepared for med school.

Learn more about Northwestern University and what it takes to get accepted.

8. Brown University

Location: Providence, RI

Acceptance rate: 7.1%

U.S. News Ranking: 14

Middle 50% SAT/ACT: 1420-1550 SAT, 32-35 ACT

Undergraduate Enrollment: 7,043

As of 2018, Brown students had an 85% med school acceptance rate. Brown’s Health Careers Advising offers plenty of resources to get experience in the medical field, such as clinical experience and volunteer opportunities. Students at Brown also have the opportunity to get hands-on experience as an EMT working with Brown EMS. Brown is a great option for students wanting to pursue a non-STEM major while completing medical school science course prerequisitesthe school has an open curriculum, meaning there are no general education requirements, and students can take whatever courses they want, as long as they complete their major requirements.

Learn more about Brown University and what it takes to get accepted.

9. Amherst College

Location: Amherst, MA

Acceptance rate: 11.3%

U.S. News Ranking: 2 in National Liberal Arts Colleges

Middle 50% SAT/ACT: 1420-1530 SAT, 31-34 ACT

Undergraduate Enrollment: 1,855

Amherst has an open curriculum as well, so it’s another college especially well-suited for pre-med students wanting to major in a non-STEM subject. Beyond that, Amherst is a strong choice as a liberal arts college. Due to its smaller enrollment and emphasis on undergraduate education, students will be able to get to know their professors, leading to stronger mentorship and standout letters of recommendation. You will also have access to pre-med advisors who are invested in your success. The Pre-Health Professions Committee is also very involved in the medical school admissions process, helping coordinate mock interviews, providing insider information (interview account, data on past applicants, etc.), and advising you throughout the process. The medical school acceptance rate is 75-80%, though this rate increases to over 90% when you include re-applicants.

Learn more about Amherst College and what it takes to get accepted.

10. Case Western Reserve University

Location: Cleveland, OH

Acceptance rate: 29%

U.S. News Ranking: 40

Middle 50% SAT/ACT: 1370-1490 SAT, 30-34 ACT

Undergraduate Enrollment: 5,262

Case Western is a prime example of a college with an excellent location, as it is located right next to the world-famous Cleveland Clinic and other hospitals, such as the University Hospitals and Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center. Students will have a wide array of research and volunteering opportunities available to them. CWRU students can also gain clinical experience through the campus’ EMS team, or by working in the local nursing homes, hospice care facilities, or patient recovery houses.

Learn more about Case Western Reserve University and what it takes to get accepted.

There are many more schools that are great for pre-med students. See the complete list of best colleges for pre-med.

Do You Have a Balanced College List?

The schools on this list are highly-selective and will be considered “reaches” for most sctudents. It’s important to have a balanced college list to maximize your chances of getting into a good fit school. A student should apply to 8-12 schools, with 25% being safety schools, 40% target schools, and 35% reach schools.

Your chances of acceptance are what make a school a safety, target, or reach. We’ve made it easy to figure out which schools fall into these categories with our free Admissions Chances Calculator. This tool will let you know your odds of acceptance, and give you tips on improving your profile.

You can also search for schools based on preferences like location, major, cost, and more. Give it a try to get a jumpstart on your college strategy.

Ranked List of the Best Pre-Med Schools (2024)


What is the #1 pre-med school in the US? ›

Harvard University

Additionally, Harvard's enetwork of hospitals and research institutions provides ample clinical and research experience in the Boston area, making Harvard #1 on almost any pre-med list.

Which pre-med is best? ›

Biology or chemistry would be a great choice. You'll also want to ensure that you regularly communicate with your pre-med advisor about your course load. Your advisor will help you stay on track with medical school requirements and make sure you properly plan which courses to take before you sit for the MCAT.

What pre-med program has the highest acceptance rate for medical school? ›

Based on the acceptance rate, the best pre-med majors would be humanities and math, at 52%. Even though they both make up a smaller number of MCAT applicants, their acceptance rates are well above the average. Medical school acceptance rates by major are as follows: Biological Sciences - 43%

Is a 3.7 GPA good Premed? ›

Bottom line: Over the past four years (2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018) the average science GPA for YC men accepted to MD schools has been a 3.77. This was the average. The GPA range was 3.43 to 4.00. i Clearly, YC students are entering medical school with GPA's that include B's, and even a C+ or two.

What is the hardest pre-med major? ›

However, there are definitely some classes that get a bad reputation among premeds. Among the hardest premed classes, and the most hated, is organic chemistry.

What GPA is required for pre-med? ›

Grades are vital. Minimum GPA for successful applicants to US med schools is about 3.6 (some exceptions, of course. See below).

What is the easiest pre-med degree to get? ›

If you're looking for the most straightforward path, biological sciences, including majors like molecular biology, cell biology, and neuroscience, feature several courses that overlap with your medical school prerequisites. That's why nearly 60% of all applicants choose this major.

Which school sends most to medical school? ›

Top Feeders to Medical School
Search Search in Rank (Total) Institution #MD Graduates Top Med School (#1) Top Med School (#2)
Rank (Total)Institution#MD Graduates
1Harvard University1742
2Stanford University1269
3Columbia University998
27 more rows

What is the hardest medical school to get into? ›

Stanford University School of Medicine

With an astonishingly low acceptance rate of about 1.4%, Stanford is the country's hardest medical school to get into.

Is 510 a bad MCAT score? ›

A great score is 515 to 528 (the maximum possible score), while an average score is 502 to 508. In contrast, a poor score is 501 and below. This guide will go over what a good MCAT score is and how medical schools use your score to make their decision. '

Can I get into Harvard Med with a 3.9 GPA? ›

Final Thoughts. Harvard Medical School obviously has the luxury of selecting students from an outstanding pool of applicants. If your MCAT and GPA are excellent (517 and 3.8 or higher) or there are other extenuating circ*mstances about your background that distinguish you, try applying.

What MCAT score do I need? ›

A good MCAT score is generally considered to be 511 or higher, with no section score below 127.

What is the #1 medical college in the US? ›

Medical School Rankings in the US
SchoolU.S. News Rankings (Research)Average GPA
Harvard Medical School#13.9
John Hopkins University#23.94
Perelman School of Medicine#33.91
Columbia University#43.93
16 more rows

What is a Tier 1 medical school? ›

Notably, the best medical schools for research and primary care were sorted into four tiers instead of ordinal rankings like they had been previously. Tier 1, which included schools with overall scores of 85–99. Tier 2, which included schools with overall scores of 50–84.

What undergraduate school sends the most to medical school? ›

Which colleges produce the most medical school applicants?
  • University of California–Los Angeles: 1,199.
  • University of Texas at Austin: 965.
  • University of Florida: 872.
  • University of Michigan–Ann Arbor: 863.
  • University of California–Berkeley: 702.
  • University of California–San Diego: 646.
  • Texas A&M University: 594.
Jan 22, 2024

What is pre-med in the USA? ›

Pre-medical (often referred to as pre-med) is an educational track that undergraduate students mostly in the United States pursue prior to becoming medical students.


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